Product Announcements

Virtual SAN VM Density Contest Results!

Dear vSphere Blog Readers,

Please join me in congratulating our VM Density contest winners – The Miami VMUG Team:

  • Alex Correa, Systems Engineer – Espirito Santo Bank
  • Tony Santiago, Lead Infrastructure Engineer – Venturian Group
  • Bruno Ferreira, Technical Advisor – FedEx

The Miami VMUG team was able to power on 2,248 VMs on a 3-node Virtual SAN cluster!VMDenistyWinnersVMDenistyWinners2

The team decided to donate the award to the Miami Children’s Hospital.

We also wanted to recognize the runner-up in the contest for his efforts:

  • Martijn Humblet, System Administrator – Sekondant

A close second, Martin was able to power on 2,064 VMs.

Lastly, we wanted to acknowledge our CloudCred community top submission. Congratulations to:

  • Haiou Fu, System Engineer, AAC Inc.

Haiou was able to power on 601 VMs on Virtual SAN.

We would like to thank everyone who submitted an entry, and accepted our challenge. We look forward to seeing all of you enter our new contest – Highest number of IOPS on a single Virtual SAN Datastore (access to beta community only).

Thanks again for your interest and participation,

The Virtual SAN Team


* Note that VMware vSphere supports up to 512 VMs per host.   An unsupported configuration enabling more VMs per host was allowed for contest purposes only.