Cloud Application Management vRealize vRealize Suite

VMware vRealize™ Code Stream™: Enabling Continuous Delivery for DevOps teams

We are excited to announce VMware vRealize Code Stream, our new solution for Continuous Delivery of software. vRealize Code Stream will enable customers to  rapidly release software from development to production environments, while reducing operational risk.

Over the last few years, organizations have incorporated agile development approaches into their release process. Instead of bundling large amounts of changes into a single release, the goal is to frequently release small increments into production. As a result, the development phase of the overall release process became fast but the other phases of the release process have not evolved. While there always has been a wall between Development and Operation teams, this situation has escalated and it is referred to as the DevOps conflict.

Continuous Integration and agile development approaches are closely related and often used together. The goal of Continuous Integration is to keep the software working at all times so that any working code can be picked up from development and released into production.

With Continuous Delivery, the phases of the release process following development are automated, which helps to ensure repeatability and reduces risks to production. There are many low-risk releases and software gets rapidly deployed to meet the demands of the business.

VMware vRealize Code Stream extends the agility provided by Continuous Integration into Continuous Delivery to enable frequent, reliable software releases, while reducing operational risks. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery are the foundation for DevOps, where Development and Operation teams collaborate to achieve a common goal.

vRealize Code Stream
vRealize Code Stream

vRealize Code Stream integrates out-of-the-box with Continuous Integration tools, delivers visibility across releases and provides a framework for application provisioning. Key capabilities include:

  • Automation and governance of the entire release process – Automate and reduce the number of manual steps in the release process to speed up releases;
  • A dashboard for end-to-end visibility of the release process – The dashboard provide visibility into the configuration, artifacts and status of each stage in release pipelines across Dev and Ops organizations
  • Artifact management – Track artifacts to ensure correct versions are used across stages in a release.

 vRealize Code Stream will enable Central IT to host and manage new application workloads being driven by Lines of Business and DevOps teams. In addition, application teams can independently use vRealize Code Stream to automate and streamline their software release process while continuing to use their preferred provisioning and deployment tools.

Learn more about VMware vRealize Code Stream by visiting:

Read the VMware cloud management launch press release at: