
Don’t miss VMware Workstation at VMworld 2010

If you love VMware Workstation and you are attending VMworld next week, you don’t want to miss our session “The Future of VMware Workstation and Cloud Development” (DV6946).  Jason and Rajat will be presenting an early look into many of the innovative features we are trying out in our labs.  As you can guess from the title, the session will focus on how VMware Workstation is going to help you as your company moves applications to the cloud. While this is a big part of the session, there is a lot more.  I don’t want to ruin the surprise, so you will have to attend to see all the exciting possibilities!

Add the Session to  your schedule.

Schedule Information:

Date/Time Room
8/30 (Monday ), 10:30 AM Moscone West Room 2004
8/31 (Tuesday), 11:00 AM Moscone West Room 2007

Register for VMworld 2010.