
VMware Workstation and GNS3: The Great Topology Challenge!

Our good friends at GNS3 are running a really awesome contest for the month of March!

“Build the biggest, boldest topology in GNS3 that you can. With the new release of v1.4.x, the ability to build big and bold topologies has never been easier. Leverage the new Local GNS3 VM to help build your topology.  At the end of the month, we will select 5 winning topologies that represent the best of what the GNS3 software is capable of doing.

New to GNS3? No worries! We will also be randomly selecting 5 contestants who will be receiving a prize. So submit whatever topology you can and join in the challenge!

10 Copies of VMware Workstation Pro ($250 each) or VMware Fusion ($75 each) – winner gets to choose what they would like. 5 Top contestants will get a copy as well as 5 randomly selected contestants.”

Simple! Build a gigantic topology with GNS3 for a chance to win one of 10 copies of Fusion 8 Pro or Workstation 12 Pro! And it’s a great contest with chances to win for both seasoned GNS3 users as well as new users to the platform.

GNS3 works best with VMware Workstation 12 Pro and VMware Fusion 8 Pro, the recommended virtualization solutions, and GNS3 users can now take 20% off the sticker price of Fusion 8 or Workstation 12 Pro!

What is GNS3 you may ask?

VMware Workstation Pro has been the ‘swiss army knife’ for IT admins for the past 15+ years, and while Workstation has been long regarded as the IT Admin’s tool of choice, it’s increasingly becoming the same for Network Engineers and ADmin as well.

Combining GNS3 and VMware gives that swiss army knife to Network Engineers in a very meaningful way.

From their site, GNS3 is a tool to:

Build, Design and Test your network in a risk-free virtual environment and access the largest networking community to help. Whether you are studying for your first networking exam or building out a state-wide telecommunications network, GNS3 offers an easy way to design and build networks of any size without the need for hardware. And the best part is it’s free!



So get out there and go build a gigantic topology with GNS3 and win your copy of VMware Workstation 12 Pro or VMware Fusion 8 Pro!