
We heard you. Quickly Download VMware Player.

We’ve received feedback that it’s too difficult and time consuming to download VMware Player.  No longer.  We’ve dramatically simplified the process. 

1) go to www.vmware.com/go/downloadplayer

2) click the “download” button for the version of player you would like.

2 - Download VMware Player 4.0 - Select version

3) The VMware Player download will start immediately.

3 - Download VMware Player 4.0 - Downloading.

4) Please subscribe to receive  promotions (Not required).  By subscribing, you will receive future VMware Player and Workstation news, announcements, and promotions.  Once you’ve used VMware Player, we are confident you will want to own VMware Workstation.

4 - Download VMware Player 4.0 - Subscribe


If you would like to discuss this in more detail, please join us in the VMware Workstation & Player communities.

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