
The VMware Workstation Session is a “Must Attend” at VMworld

If you love VMware Workstation and you are attending VMworld 2011 in Las Vegas next week, you must attend our session “What’s New in VMware Workstation” (EUC1945).  Be first to see how the Workstation Team is going to completely change the way you work with virtual machines.  Jason and Rajat promise there will be few slides and lots of demos.  If you enjoyed last year’s session, I predicted you will love it this year.

Don’t miss it!.  Add the session to your schedule today.

Date/Time: Wednesday (8/31), 12:30 PM 
Location: Venetian – San Polo 3501

We look forward to seeing you there!

The Workstation Team

Ps.  I can’t resist, here’s a small teaser.
