
VMware Posters

This page is dedicated to the VMware posters which were created by Technical Marketing and have been released at VMworld and VMUGs around the world, this is a central place to find the latest versions of the PDF versions which can be used for reference or printed off as needed.

If you didn’t enter this post with the short URL then remember, to get here just use:

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VMware vCenter Server Appliance

More detail on the VCSA poster.

Platform Services Controller Topology Decision Tree

More detail on the PSC Topology poster.

VMware vCloud Suite

Click here to download the PDF.


VMware ESXi 5.1 Reference Poster

Click here to download the PDF. (Please see the bottom of this page for important information)

ESXi Poster

VMware vSphere PowerCLI 6.5 Release 1 Poster

Click here to download the PDF.


VMware vCloud Networking Poster

Click here to download the PDF. (Last updated Sept 13 2012)

VMware vCloud Networking

VMware Hands-On Labs 2015 Poster

Click here to download the HOL-2015 PDF.


VMworld 2015 Hands-On Labs Poster

Click here to download the VMworld 2015 PDF (English).

Click here to download the VMworld 2015 PDF (Chinese).

Click here to download the VMworld 2015 PDF (Japanese).


VMware vCloud SDKs Poster (1.0 – Out of date)

Click here to download the PDF.

vCloud SDK Poster

Poster Printing Details

The following sizes (inches) are normally used when sending these PDF files to be professionally printed, the posters should also be produced as a vector and are therefore scalable to multiples of the sizes listed below, if you are looking to print in high resolution, you should print in no lower than 300 dpi:

  • vCloud Suite poster – 34 x 22
  • PowerCLI 5.8 R1 poster – 42 x 20
  • Hands On Lab Reference – 33 x 17
  • vCloud Networking – 44 x 30.5
  • ESXi 5.1 Reference – 34 x 22

Poster Issues and Corrections:

The following issues and corrections are part of the distributed hard copy posters and PDF files received before October 13th 2012, the current uploaded PDF in this post has these corrections included.

ESXi 5.1 Reference Poster

Use the following correct code instead of the code available on the poster, the poster code will cause an error.

List Registered VMs (vCLI only)

# vmware-cmd -l

Register a VM (vCLI)

# vmware-cmd -s register /vmfs/volumes/<volume name>/<vm>/<vm>.vmx <datacenter> <resource pool>

Unregister a VM (vCLI only)

# vmware-cmd -s unregister /vmfs/volumes/<volume name>/<vm>/<vm>.vmx

Get VM power state (vCLI only)

# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/<volume name>/<vm>/<vm>.vmx getstate

Power on a VM (vCLI only)

# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/<volume name>/<vm>/<vm>.vmx start

Shutdown a VM (vCLI only)

# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/<volume name>/<vm>/<vm>.vmx stop [ soft | hard ]

Power off a VM (vCLI only)

# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/<volume name>/<vm>/<vm>.vmx stop [ soft | hard ]

Reset a VM (vCLI only)

# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/<volume name>/<vm>/<vm>.vmx reset [soft | hard ]

Suspend a VM (vCLI only)

# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/<volume name>/<vm>/<vm>.vmx suspend [soft | hard ]

Resume a VM (vCLI only

# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/<volume name>/<vm>/<vm>.vmx resume [soft | hard ]

Get ESXi Host Platform Information (vCLI only)

# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/<volume name>/<vm>/<vm>.vmx getproductinfo [ product | platform | build | majorversion| minorversion ]

Get VM Uptime (vCLI only)

# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/<volume name>/<vm>/<vm>.vmx getuptime

Get VMware Tools Status (vCLI only)

# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/<volume name>/<vm>/<vm>.vmx gettoolslastactive

0 = Not installed/Not running

1 = Normal

5 = Intermittent Heartbeat

100 = No heartbeat. Guest operating system might have stopped responding

Create VM Snapshot (vCLI only)

# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/<volume name>/<vm>/<vm>.vmx createsnapshot <name> <desc> <quiesce> <memory>

quiesce = Quiesce filesystem w/VMware Tools [ 0 | 1 ]

memory = Include memory state in snapshot [ 0 | 1 ]

Check if VM has a Snapshot (vCLI only)

# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/<volume name>/<vm>/<vm>.vmx hassnapshot

Revert to VM Snapshot (vCLI only)

# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/<volume name>/<vm>/<vm>.vmx revertsnapshot

Commit VM Snapshot (vCLI)

# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/<volume name>/<vm>/<vm>.vmx removesnapshot

Forcibly Stop a VM with ESXCLI

# esxcli vm process list

# esxcli vm process kill –type [ soft | hard | force ] -w <worldId>

soft = similiar to kill or kill -SIGTERM

hard = similiar to kill -9 or kill -SIGKILL

force = use as a last resort

Under the “Virtual Machine Capabilities”.  The max VM video memory for all versions is listed in KB instead of MB.