Product Announcements

Network Troubleshooting on VI3

Yes, sometimes the network breaks. Or, you’re told the network is broken (and being blamed for it) when in actuality is something or somewhere else. At these times you need a good complement of tools, procedures and network know-how to quickly diagnose the issue and set about restoring service.

At VMworld last September, one of our engineering staff, Srinivas Neginhal, delivered a fabulous breakout session  on the topic of “VI3 Networking: Advanced Troubleshooting.” Srinivas squeezed a 79-slide deck into the available time—he could have easily doubled or tripled the session time given the enormous density of information in his deck.

I have long wanted to turn the deck into a troubleshooting guide, but rather than wait for that, I have decided to post the presentation as is (as a pdf) on our Network Technology website. Let me know what you think.