Product Announcements

Designing a DMZ on vSphere 4 using the Cisco Nexus 1000V Virtual Switch

DMZ’s with virtualization seems to elicit opinions from all quarters—security folks, network folks and server folks. A couple of months ago, we updated the DMZ with ESX paper to vSphere 4 level and reposted it as Network Segmentation in Virtualized Environments. This paper discusses and describes three different trust zone configurations with associated best practice approaches for secure deployment. (I blogged on this topic last month)

Last week we added a new paper on this topic, in this case using the Cisco Nexus 1000V virtual switch. This is a co-branded Cisco/VMware paper titled, DMZ Virtualization Using VMware vSphere 4 and the Cisco Nexus 1000V Virtual Switch. You will also find this posted on the Cisco website.

This 19-page paper is a great tutorial on the considerations around DMZ’s and how the Nexus 1000V can be used for DMZ virtualization.