Product Announcements

Ah, now I can use the Cisco Nexus 1000V!

The vNetwork Distributed Switch has an API that enables users to select a third party virtual switch to be implemented for VMware vSphere. Therefore, it totally makes sense that VMware would partner with Cisco and bring out support (and resell) the Nexus 1000V. 

From a VMware administrator perspective, the Nexus 1000V provides the following:

1. Off-Load Time Consuming and Complex Network Configurations; Without Giving Up Server Management

 -Simplify networking setup of new ESX hosts

 -vSwitch configuration/management now can be handled by network team

 -Ensure proper connectivity & networking safeguards are in place

2. Help Proliferation of Virtual Machines

 -With Cisco switch embedded; network/security teams more open to deploying virtual machines in critical areas in the network (DMZ, etc.)

 -VM provisioning workflow similar to physical model

 -Network policies stay with the VM during VMotion

 -Apply access control lists on a per-VM basis

3. Reduce Finger Pointing Between Network and Server Teams

 -VM-based network issues can be debugged/monitored just like physical machines

 -Gain consistent visibility into VM-level I/O even within single host