Product Announcements

vCloud Director 1.5.1 Released!

Tom Stephens
Senior Technical
Marketing Architect

Today VMware released vCloud Director 1.5.1.  The good news is that this minor release includes several bug fixes and new features such as:

Support for new platforms including vCenter Server 5.0 Update 1, ESXi 5.0 Update 1, vShield 5.0.1, and RHEL 5u7 (64 bit) when used to host a vCD cell.

A higher level of encryption is now available for use when configuring a site-to-site VPN tunnel.  You can now select AES-256 as the encryption protocol.

Firewall rules are now easier to configure.  You can now enter CIDR blocks and IP ranges for source and destination addresses and you can specify port ranges.  Note that there are some special considerations for those who set these using the REST API.

The vCloud Director 1.5.1 release notes provide more information on the included bug fixes as well as the procedures for upgrading and a list of known issues. 

The bad news is that the download for the vCloud Director Appliance 1.5.1 will not be available until next month.  Until then, you can leverage the vCloud Director 1.5 Evaluation Guide to help guide you through the steps to get a small evaluation environment running.