vSphere Tweet Chats: Everything You Need to Know

You have questions, we have answers! Every month, our experts host Tweet Chats pertaining to a wide range of vSphere centric topics to help answer important questions. From joint chats featuring various VMware teams to tackling cybersecurity awareness, no topic is off limits for our experts. Considering we’ve conducted a number of Tweet Chats, this blog will serve as a one-stop-shop for our upcoming and past discussions. Let’s dive in!

Upcoming #vSphereChat:

vSphere TweetChat April 30


On April 30th at 11 AM PST, we’re back with another vSphere Chat! This time around we’re teaming up with our friends over at vSAN. Join us as our experts discuss the ins and outs of VMware’s largest virtual events hub for IT professionals –– vForum Online! So mark your calendars, create a video conference invite and send it to your friends. Because while the recap is always interesting, it’s more fun to join in the on #vSphereChat conversation!


Past #vSphereChats:

App Modernization and vSphere 7

We hosted a tweet chat across THREE different VMware Twitter accounts! That’s right – vSpherevSAN and Cloud Foundation teamed up to answer questions around the March 10th product announcements. Questions were answered, resources were shared, and a good time was had by all who participated. Check out the recap blog if you missed any of the excitement!

Explore vSphere + Bitfusion – The Future of AI & ML

In this edition, we explore vSphere and Bitfusion, and what this integration means for the future of AI and ML. To answer all of your questions, experts Jim Brogan (@brogan_record) and Don Sullivan (@dfsulliv) joined us to share the inside scoop. They answered some tough questions, and you’ll have to continue reading to find out more.

Get Started with Project Pacific – vSphere & Kubernetes Chat

Project Pacific is in the works, and we couldn’t be more excited to share this with you. Just like with any new release, we know you have a lot of questions about the impact this announcement will have on users. To help you gain a better understanding, we hosted a Project Pacific themed Tweet Chat with two featured guests, Tasha Drew and Jared Rosoff, who were also joined by a variety of other VMware experts (e.g., Joe Beda, Nikitha Suryadevara, David Stamen, Dilpreet Bindra, and Timothy St. Clair). The team answered some challenging questions and shared key insights about the inner workings of Project Pacific and what’s on the horizon for this highly anticipated new technology.

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month Chat

Every year, October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. To ensure you’re equipped with knowledge to stay secure all 365 days, our vSphere team hosted a Tweet Chat featuring security veterans, Mike Foley and Bob Plankers. They sat down with us for an hour to share their invaluable insight, tips and expertise. One of the biggest takeaways is that patching is not just an option, it’s essential. Read our entire wrap up blog for more important info.

Know Before You Go to VMworld Chat

VMworld is an awesome experience, but first timers might find that navigating the event is slightly overwhelming. Have no fear, our experts shared tips and tricks to help attendees prioritize their must-see keynotes, workshops and more. To ensure we covered all of our bases, we hosted a Tweet Chat featuring VMWonAWS and VMWonDellEMC team members in addition to our vSphere experts, Nigel Hickey, Jeremiah Megie and Ken Smith. Each of these experts shared valuable pre-event insights to help attendees get the inside scoop on all things VMworld.

vSphere + AppDefense = vSphere Platinum Chat

What do you get when you combine vSphere and AppDefense? vSphere Platinum! To answer all of your questions about these two products coming together to create a new offering, we hosted a Tweet Chat featuring vSphere experts, Arjun Narang and Bob Plankers. Check out the full blog to learn why vSphere Platinum was created and how its services provide enhanced user security.

A Dynamic Duo:  vSphere + VMWonAWS Chat

As you know, many VMware products work better together, like vSphere and VMWonAWS. Our experts, Jeremiah Megie and Emad Younis, joined us for a Tweet Chat to discuss how VMWonAWS partners well with vSphere, how joined services add robust customer value and more.

Securing Your Data Center: vSAN + vSphere Chat

Is your system effectively safeguarded from cyber threats? Our vSphere team teamed up with vSAN to discuss what it takes to properly secure a data center. Our experts, Jase McCarty and Bob Plankers, explained how both of these services offer tools, insights and resources to help increase your data center protection. You won’t want to miss their important advice from security perspective.

#vSANChat & #vSphereChat: HCI Admin Year in Review Chat

The first joint vSAN and vSphere Tweet Chat was such a success, that we decided to host another. Our chat featured John Nicholson and Nigel Hickey, representing the best of both worlds from vSAN and vSphere teams. Our experts discussed life as an HCI admin, starting from day 0 to day 365. Key topics included patching, simplifying operations and much more.

The Perfect Pair: A Recap of the vSAN & vSphere Chat

We know VMware users have wanted to learn more about how vSAN and vSphere work together, so the vSphere and vSAN teams joined forces to answer your questions. Our experts, Mike Foley, Pete Flecha, Ron Scott-Adams, and Bob Plankers joined the conversation to discuss vSAN and vSphere integration, use cases and more.

We hope that this vSphere Tweet Chat overview serves as a valuable resource to answer some of the questions you’ve had about various vSphere topics. Stay tuned for more monthly expert chats and join the conversation by using the #vSphereChat hashtag.

If you have a specific topic that you’d like us to cover in our future chats, don’t be shy! Reach out and we’ll bring the topic to our experts for consideration. For now, we’ll see you in the Twittersphere!