Product Announcements

VMware Announces GA of Big Data Extensions 2.0

What’s vSphere Big Data Extensions?
VMware vSphere Big Data Extensions (BDE) is a feature within vSphere to support Big Data and Hadoop workloads. BDE provides an integrated set of management tools to help enterprises deploy, run, and manage Hadoop on the vSphere platform. Through the vSphere vCenter user interface, enterprises are able to manage and scale Hadoop seamlessly. By combining with vCloud Automation Center, we can also provide an on-premise Hadoop as a Service solution for Hadoop users.

What’s new in BDE 2.0?
-Support for the latest Distributions of Apache Hadoop 2.0 Software. In addition to the previously supported Hadoop distributions, Big Data Extensions users may now also deploy and manage Apache Bigtop 0.7.0, Cloudera CDH5, Hortonworks HDP 2.1, MapR 3.1, and Pivotal PHD 2.0.
-CentOS 6.4 Operating System for the Hadoop Template Virtual Machine. The Hadoop Template Virtual Machine now uses CentOS 6.4 as its default operating system. This provides an increase in performance, as well as native support for all Hadoop distributions for use with Big Data Extensions.
-IPv6 Support for Serengeti Management Server Network. User can use IP version 6 (IPv6) for network addressing within the Serengeti Management Server network.
-Support for Internationalization (I18N) Level 1. User can specify vCenter Server resources using any character set supported by the vCenter Server system on which you deploy Big Data Extensions.
-Serengeti Management Server Administration Portal. Serengeti Management Server Administration Portal helps user to view, manage, and troubleshoot Serengeti Services in a central web UI.
-Improved Error Handling. Big Data Extensions provides improved error handling and reporting to help user more easily identify, understand, and recover from error conditions.
