Product Announcements

RHELAH support on vSphere

Hi everyone, I’m happy to announce support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host (RHELAH) running on ESXi. This enables vSphere admins to offer RHELAH as a supported container host OS to developers either experimenting with or creating container-based applications.

Similar to our existing support for RHEL 7.x, open-vm-tools is included as a standard part of RHELAH. And over the past couple of months, the team from Redhat and VMWare have also refactored open-vm-tools to run in its own system container while maintaining traditional Tools functionality. Updates to open-vm-tools will be made available as new host OS images are refreshed and published.

Support for RHELAH begins with the recently released v7.4. ESXi support is available from v6.0 to v6.5. Installation instructions are available and additional information regarding on running the vm can be found here –