
Technical Preview of CoreOS on vSphere 5.5

VMware is focused on bringing the value of containers to our customers and helping them streamline application delivery and portability in their virtualized infrastructure. CoreOS is a new, lightweight Linux distribution that’s designed from the ground up to run containerized applications. We’ve been working with the CoreOS team to enable the new OS to run on the vSphere platform, including integrating open-vm-tools.

Today we’re announcing technical preview of CoreOS 494 and 522 on vSphere 5.5, and encourage our customers to take the images for a spin and help provide feedback to the development teams on improving our CoreOS support.

You can download the VMware images from the CoreOS repository –

Installation guidance on vSphere is published in KB2104303

The above installation process will be simplified in the future when CoreOS is available as an OVA image. A preview of this is available in the 557 beta channel.

You can find additional guidance on deploying CoreOS in the vSphere environment in William’s blog.

Down the road, we continue our collaboration with the CoreOS team to further improve integration of the OS with vSphere and vCloud Air environments.

Feedback can be provided in the VMware CoreOS community forum.


-vSphere GOS support team