There are a few errors I’ve run into over the years that just stump me. Like you, I start doing some web searches and piecing things together. I cross-reference what I find with people I think may have more details for me. Well, I have recently had the “Invalid credentials” error in VMware vCenter Orchestrator (vCO) when viewing my vCenter Server instance in the vCO inventory. I hate to admit that it had me stumped for a while.
When adding my vCenter server in the vCO plugins section, the connection and credentials tested out just fine, so why was the VCO client giving me this error?
Well, after doing some digging (and also cross-referencing the install-config guide), I found this describing when to use the “session per user” end point option: “Select this option only if your vCenter Server is in an Active Directory domain or if vCenter Server Single Sign-On is enabled. ” This setting was checked by default in my environment.
For background, I deployed the vCO appliance along with the vCenter Server appliance. I am also using the local root credentials for vCenter versus SSO.
As seen below, navigate the vCO configuration page (https://VCO-IP:8283), find the vSphere plugin, and click “Edit” on the appropriate vCenter Server instance.
Above “User name,” change the “session per user” selection to “share a unique session.”
Once you refresh the vCO client, you should see the error gone and you can now run workflows against this vCenter Server instance.
I hope this saves you some trouble! I spent more time than I care to admit, rebuilding environments and running multiple tests. It should have been something I never even missed from the start.
Come back soon!
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