Product Announcements

Survey time, please help it only takes a couple of minutes!

Today I received two requests to plug a survey. The first survey is on the topic of NAS usage and cloud storage and the second one on the topic of multi-tier apps. Please fill them out, as this is your way of defining what the future of VMware (potential) products and features looks like!

The first one takes about 2 minutes to fill out:

NAS / Cloud Storage survey:

This is a survey on alternatives to traditional NAS storage systems! We would like your opinion on NAS usage within your environment and consideration for alternatives to NAS solutions.

And the second one, takes 10 minutes roughly, but with the chance of winning a giftcard:

Multi-tier app Survey:
We would like your input on virtualization of multi-tier applications in our quest for continuous improvement

We have created a survey to capture your feedback: . The survey should only take 5-10 minutes to complete.

As an incentive, respondents will be entered in a drawing to win one of three $50 Visa gift cards!

The survey will be open until July 9, 2013, so please participate soon!