Product Announcements

vSphere 5.1 Hardening Guide **DRAFT** now available

For those of you that don’t follow the security blog but do have questions on how to better secure your VMware infrastructure, on 11th of Feb 2013 we posted a draft copy of the new vSphere V5.1 Hardening Guide. There is some good discussion on what bits and pieces should be added going on over in that Community. I would encourage you to head on over there, review the guide and provide comments.

I’m re-posting the Security Blog announcement here as an FYI.

vSphere 5.1 Hardening Guide **DRAFT** now available

Hello? Is this thing on?

A brief intro for those that don’t know me and my new role. My name is Mike Foley. I’m a Sr. Technical Marketing Manager, working for Charu Chaubal in VMware’s Technical Marketing group. My primary role is that of technical marketing support for security of the core vSphere platform. I come from RSA, where I was their virtualization evangelist/go-to guy for many years. My personal blog is at and I’m on Twitter as @mikefoley.

I would like to announce the **draft** release of the vSphere 5.1 Security Hardening Guide.  This initial draft release has taken the 5.0 guide and updated it for 5.1. What it does NOT contain at this time is a complete review of functionality around the new 5.1 SSO capabilities. We are working on those parts and hope to have an updated draft very soon.

We’d love to hear your feedback, good and bad, on the contents of the guide. I would encourage you to post your reply in the Security and Compliance Communities forum but if you have more sensitive concerns, send it to me at [email protected].

The vSphere 5.1 Security Hardening Guide has been posted to the VMware Communities in the “Security and Compliance” area, in the Documents tab.  Thanks to everyone who provided feedback on the Public Draft, and also to the team at VMware who contributed to this guide in many significant ways.

mike foley