Product Announcements

vCloud Director 5.1.1 Released!

Today, VMware has released vCloud Director 5.1.1.  This minor release has a few important updates, including:

  • The vCD Appliance now has sets net.ipv4.conf.all.rp.filter = 0 in the /etc/sysctl.conf file.  This fixes an issue with a loss of network connectivity that was observed with the 5.1 release.
  • Snapshots were unnecessarily created.  This occurred when fast provisioning was enabled and a copy of a vApp template across datastores was performed.
  • An exception would be generated in cases where an external network was created without any available DVportgroups.  The exception returned would look similar to:

Problem accessing /cloud/. Reason: could not load an entity:

  • Some changes were introduced into the Allocation Model with vCloud Director 5.1 to enable elastic VDCs.  With these changes, some customers had issues if they configured the vCPU to Mhz mapping too low which would result in VM performance issues for some initial VMs in the resource pool as the limit is set too low. If these same customer set the vCPU to Mhz mapping too high it would result in limiting the maximum number of VMs that can be provisioned in the pool significantly.
  • There have been some changes to assist our partners in the development of solutions.  This includes enhancing the ability to insert 3rd party services on VXLAN networks, and other minor fixes.

As usual, the release notes contain a wealth of information that you should take a look at.  You can find the binaries and the documentation at the usual place ( Happy upgrading!