Remaindered Links

Remaindered Links – Feb 5, 2007


Vitrix: Converter Enterprise Review
4sysops: VMware Converter 3.0 final – first impressions VMware Converter 3.0 – So far so good!
Virtrix: Workstation 6 first impressions
Pete’s Management Blog: VMware ESX 3.0 Monitoring Options with MOM 2005


James McGovern: Will writing applications to a VM displace Linux (on BEA’s Liquid VM)
Friends in Tech: VMware Server or ESX? (see on choosing)
Matasano Chargen: Detecting Virtualized Rootkits
Exigency In Specie: VMware Stupid Error Message (import is unsuccessful if Virtual Server file is write protected, even though the import doesn’t touch the original file)

How To

Altiris juice: Deploying VMware ESX 3.0.x to 9th Generation Dell PowerEdge Servers
Andreas’ Adventure: Keep track of your virtual machines (VMware Server) with Notes
Technical Tidbits: VMware Virtual Server Tips
Ashwin Soorkea: VMware Splitter. How can he move a 15Gb vmx file from one RHE4 workstation to another? VMDiskManager
jeremYprieS: Hung VM- Find the pid
VMProfessional: Extend the boot volume of Windows Server 2003 Virtual Machines [via]
Security Ripcord: Resizing VMware Images using vmware-vdiskmanager
Blog O’Matty: Getting VMware Server installed on a Fedora Core 6 Desktop
LevelsOfDetail: Tweaking the screen update rate on VMware Workstation/Player
TaoSecurity: FreeBSD VMware Interfaces
metamorphosis: time delays with FreeBDS under VMware
Nathan’s Admin Blog (Microsoft Messaging & Mobility User Group UK): An overview of clustering Exchange with ESX Server 2.X
JaffarDBA’s Oracle Blog: Desktop RAC – Virtually installed and configured
Marco V: Oracle 10g RAC installation using Unbreakable Linux
(For more Oracle RAC, see Tarry, Dizwell, and OTN) Always the small things (check your shells: Ubuntu wants bash, not sh)
Random Things in IT: VMware ESX 3.0 Firewall (shutting it off and on)
Powerpedia: A VMware Gotcha (don’t let your VC database run out of space)
Developer’s Quarterdeck Log: When disk space gets low (don’t let your Service Console run out of space)
Got IT Solutions: VMware Virtual Machine shutdown, startup, etc. (spaces in paths cause problems for some of VMware’s scripts – bad VMware! no biscuit!)
Anbecom: Using Windows-based NFS in VI3 [via]
Virtrix: snapshots and deleted .vmdk
Virtrix: replacing HBA drivers on HP Proliant servers
Virtrix: add local user bug in VI client
OzVMs: Hardware Monitor Your ESX Server in Minutes (using HP Insight Manager) using vmware-cmd with multiple virtual machines Combining the VI3 Perl Toolkit, PowerShell and PowerGadgets