virtual appliances

Get Juiced (and win a pass to VMworld)

The Virtual Appliance Marketplace is having a contest — just check out the appliances, register, and you will be entered into a drawing for a free pass to VMworld 2007 in San Francisco on September 11. In related virtual appliance news, Srinivas Krishnamurti talks about the "Just Enough OS" concept, JeOS, in The Console.

By ripping out the operating system interfaces, functions, and
libraries and automatically turning off the unnecessary services that
your application does not require, and by tailoring it to the needs of
the application, you are now down to a lithe, high performing, secure
operating system – Just Enough of the Operating System, that is, or

Why should you get juiced?

An OS finely tuned to the application it supports is smaller, more
secure, easier to manage, and higher performing than a general purpose
OS.   A smaller footprint means IT organizations can run more instances
per server.  Tailoring the OS specifically to the app enables the
removal of vulnerable components such as the browser from Windows and
therefore significantly reduces the number of vulnerabilities and
patches required to address those vulnerabilities.