Remaindered Links

Remaindered Links for October 20, 2008

Why I love ESXi – EMC’s Chad Sakac will be joining us on the podcast on Nov 5.

I poked, prodded.  I tore my hair out.   I was stuck with no
bootable controller/drive combo, and was considering a trip to Fry’s
for another MB whose SATA controller I would know would work (an older
nvidia MB for example).

Then, I had an idea. 

When does your “free” Hyper-V Server cost $1304? – new blog VCritical from VMware’s Eric Gray. (Eric asked me for feedback – Eric, the blog is great so far, just keep telling us what you think.)

If you read through that blog post you will discover that for every
hypervisor managed by SCVMM you will owe Microsoft $1304.  Or, you can
opt to pay $1497 and also use the other System Center features.

Just remember this when you hear the “free, free, free” and the “management, management, management” rhetoric:

It’s actually one or the other, not both.

7 tips for succeeding with virtualization – Denise Dubie @ Network World via Mike D.

"Enterprise IT managers are going to have to start thinking virtual first and learn how to make the case for virtualization
across IT disciplines," says James Staten, principal analyst at Forrester Research. "This will demand they change processes. Technologies can help, but if managers don’t update their best practices to handle virtual environments, nothing will get easier.

IDC: Microsoft Grabs Market Share from VMware – Mike says take a deep breath and look at the numbers. Don’t believe everything you read.

Microsoft bloggers, general bloggers, and press – make sure you realize
that the sky is not falling with VMware market share. The methodology
used in this report is questionable at best and does not reflect the
total market share, revenue, or shipments from VMware.

Virtualization and Compliance – from VMware’s Charu Chaubal. Two takeaways: 1. You should be checking out VI:OPS, because it’s starting to get very interesting to those of us running a data center. 2. You should check out the new Compliance Center over on the main site as well.

To help answer the question, "how can I achieve compliance in my virtualized environment", we recently launched the VMware Compliance Center.
We have provided some overview information, a list of partner solutions
that can help with achieving, maintaining, and demonstrating
compliance, and a list of resources, including whitepapers, webcasts,
and podcasts from leading vendors in this area.

Is Microsoft Exchange 2007 Supported on VMware? another one from Mike. See also how VMware is the best platform for Exchange.

The short answer is yes.

Some Guiding Principles for Chargeback with Server Virtualization (Part 1) from VMware’s Gerod Carfantan. He doesn’t believe these are "best practices," but they’re still worth reading:

Many chargeback models are focused simply on cost recovery. This is a
missed opportunity, and it diverges from the way products are priced in
the "real world". Companies that sell goods and services of all sorts
set their pricing not only to recover costs and make a decent profit,
but they also have pricing strategies that attempt to affect the
behavior of customers, partners, and competitors. – Planet V12n denizens Tarry Singh and are right there along with about three dozen others.

ZEN and the Art of VMware ESX Storage VMotion (or ‘A Quick Guide to Storage VMotion’). is a good overview from Kiwi Si via DABCC. Also check out some future version of the GUI in this demo:

Enough? Too much? There will be more tomorrow.