
vExpert Spotlight: Peter Rudolf

PrudolfName: Peter Rudolf

Twitter handle:@prudolf

Current employer: Mightycare Solutions GmbH in Germany as Founder and General  Director

How did you get into IT in   the   first place, how did you get into working with VMware and becoming a 2011   vExpert?

I have started with Computers as my hobby when i was fourteen. (Commodore 64   users can still remember).

After years in my job and repairing business PC (8086 and above) i have   contact with Novell Networks like Netware 2.11 (linking a Netware OS with   Floppydisks was funny). I change to a Novell Distributor in Germany and   complete my knowledge in Novell, Micosoft and Cisco Networks and OS. After   years of learning and training a step in the next level and change my job to   a Consulting Company. In the Year 2002 i have my first contact to VMware ESX   Server 1.5 and a Vision is borned in my mind.

So i establish the company Mightycare Solutions and sell the first   ESX-Servers 2.0 in a production environment with vMotion (that was magic for   the Customer)… From this day, a VMware Evangelist was born in Germany. From   2003 to now, i sell many many Enterprise Solutions by my Customer with VMware   Solutions. In that Time i program some little free VMware Administration   Tools like MCS esxPatcher, MCS SnapshotView or MCS ThinView. I receive the   vExpert award 2009, 2010, 2011 and this Year 2012.


What would you tell someone who wanted to get   a job like yours to do?

When your hobby is IT, your Job can be a curse and blessing.

But anyway, if you have a tolerant Wife and you take time for your childreen,   it is a fantastic job.


What must someone know about this Job?

You must learning every day, take and solve technical problems at home and   night.

“Think Big” in Solutions. Have a Vision in the   environment of the Customer.

Resolve Problems and share your knowledge. You can do it over   writing Tools, Article in Magazines or writing in blogs.

My Tip: Do Goods and Talk about it