Uncategorized Announcements

It’s time to Explore – The VMTN Community Way

Hello VMTN Community! We hope you all are doing great. We know it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, so we’d love to invite you to visit us at the VMware Communities and {code} Theater during VMware Explore EU 2022.

Let’s end the year on a high note by spending time with friends and colleagues, exploring and learning with 52 vBrownBag and {code} Power Sessions. Yes, you read that right, 52 sessions!!! If that’s not enough to get you excited, Eric Nielsen and Corey Romero , and I will be at the booth where we’ve got Blogger tables and our beloved sticker wall to ensure your collection is up to date, so please, stop by and say Hi!

All of you vExperts out there, we haven’t forgotten about you – we have 192 Intel NUCs to give away. To be eligible, you must have noted (RSVP’s) your VMware Explore Europe attendance in the “Events & Opportunities” tab within the vExpert Portal by the deadline which was July 15th.

So where is all the fun happening, you ask? Our theater will be located to the right of the main entrance, in Hall 8, and it absolutely has to be your first stop when you enter the conference area.

In closing, let me leave you with a question… What do all VMTN Community members have in common? All right, I’ll tell you… It’s the constant desire to learn and level up your skills.

With that being said, check out the {code} Power Sessions at this year’s conference and see for yourself what the VBrownBag team has cooked up for this year’s VMTN Sessions

We look forward to seeing you there!