Home Lab

12 Days of Home Labs

Welcome to the…

“12 days of Home Labs”!

Over the course of the next twelve days, we will be sharing with you some fascinating home lab projects, ideas, and tips that will take your lab to the next level. Whether you are just starting or already an experienced home labber, we have something for everyone. So buckle up and get ready to explore the wonderful world of home labs with us!

Did you know that VMUG Advantage offers exclusive access to 365-day evaluation licenses for 20+ VMware solutions? So get the most out of your home lab by joining VMUG and signing up for VMUG Advantage today! :arrow_down:

Day 1

On the 1st day of #12DaysOfHomelabs, let’s start off on the right track and figure out what’s needed to build your home lab. ?️

More to come tomorrow!

Day 2

On the 2nd day of #12DaysOfHomelabs, let’s build a nested home lab! We’re going to build ESXi within ESXi ?

Day 3

On the 3rd day of #12DaysOfHomelabs, let’s explore a different way of deploying a nested home lab using VMware Workstation.

Day 4

On the 4th day of #12DaysOfHomelabs, let’s deploy vCenter!

Day 5

On the 5th day of #12DaysOfHomelabs, we’re dipping our toes in some automation.

Day 6

On the 6th day of #12DaysOfHomelabs, let’s deploy some NSX!

Day 7

On the 7th day of #12DaysOfHomelabs, let’s learn about Project Keswick!

Day 8

On the 8th Day of #12DaysOfHomelabs, let’s slow down a little and admire what you’ve learned and built! Solid work so far and kudos for sticking with us. ? 

Before we go too far, I wanted to turn to the vCommunity for some lessons learned to help our environment and minds happy ?

Day 9

On the 9th day of #12DaysOfHomelabs, let’s explore some VMware Tanzu! Go Watanabe is doing a killer job of documenting their process and I feel like we could learn a lot. 

The 2nd link will point back to the inspiration of this post, where there are 12 more days of learning! ?️

Day 10

On the 10th day of #12DaysOfHomelabs, how about we deploy an Alarm Clock with PowerShell! 

I love learning from Mike Nelson and I’m sure you will, too. Shout out to #vBrownBag!

Day 11

On the 11th day of #12DaysOfHomelabs, let’s create documentation and learn some Automation along the way.

Day 12

First off, on this 12th day of #12DaysOfHomelabs, we celebrate you, the #vCommunity for sharing your knowledge, and making it possible to make a post like this. Let’s get to learning!

This final project is Awesome. Let’s deploy an entire VCF (VMware Cloud Foundation) environment! If you meet all of the hardware requirements, I truly hope you give this a try and share your project with us.

Don’t forget :arrow_right: Stay ahead of the competition with full-year evaluation licenses when you sign up for VMUG Advantage !