Announcements VMTN

VMTN Community Upgrade

Hi everyone!

As you may know, we are currently on an on prem platform called Jive, and we will be moving to a SaaS platform called Khoros. While engaging with members over the past year, we’ve acknowledged changes that could be made in order to create an even better community for everyone. As we progress toward the launch of the new platform in early November, we would like to share some updates with you.

What is happening?

  • The platform will have a cleaner, updated look and better experience
  • Have more reliability and speed
  • Allow for better communication among members
  • Display better navigation for users

What is changing?

  • Forum navigation
    • On the current platform, community forums are organized by product
    • The new platform will be organized under Product Communities:
      • SDDC, Networking, Digital Workspace, Desktop Hypervisor, Cloud, Education & Certification, Support, VMware {code}, Betas, and more

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  • User profiles
    • Currently, users can have their own blogs on VMTN, unfortunately on Khoros, users are unable to have profile blogs

What is new?

  • Product Communities
    • As mentioned above, communities on Khoros will be organized by Products and Services:
      • SDDC, Networking, Digital Workspace, Desktop Hypervisor, Cloud, Education & Certification, Support, VMware {code}, Betas, and more
  • Rank levels
    • Some rank levels have been added and some names have changed, as well as a small refresh to the images
      • The order from lowest to highest is: Visitor, Explorer, Contributor, Enthusiast, Hot Shot, Expert, Commander, Virtuoso, Champion, Immortal

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  • Badges
    • Badges on Khoros are given based on logins, topic starts, replies, solutions, kudos (likes) received, and kudos given
  • Community Membership
    • On the current platform, members are only able to “follow” specific communities
    • On the new platform, users will be able to “join” a community and be able to see who other members are and have conversations with one another
  • Community Leadership
    • For each Product Community, there will be leadership in the form of directors, managers, and individual contributors
    • You can apply to be part of a Product Community leadership group
    • Find out more about the leadership model here

Dates/timeline of migration

  • Read-only on the current platform starts at 7AM PST November 3, 2020
  • Go-live will be November 6, 2020


Screenshot of homepage:

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If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out at [email protected].


Jennifer Gonzales

VMTN Community Manager