VMTN Vmworld

VMTN VMworld 2018 US Recap


VMworld 2018 US has concluded and the Social Media & Communities team hopes you were able to enjoy everything we had to offer in our VMTN/ VMware {code} space. We tried to give options for those of you attending in person in Las Vegas, and those at home on your computer or mobile device.


This year at VMworld, we had some new offerings as well as some offerings you might have found familiar. As far as familiar offerings go, vBrownBag had a great TechTalk turnout again this year in the VMTN area! Hopefully some of you were able to come to our booth during these sessions or watch the livestream on the VMTN homepage or vBrownBag website. Our blogger tables stayed very busy throughout each day during VMworld. We are looking forward to seeing more VMworld blogs this week.

Although the Beam “attendance” started slow, many virtual attendees were able to enjoy them during the week to see what was going on in the VMvillage as well as the Solutions Exchange. Our last familiar offering that we hope was utilized enough, was our fully closed podcast booth that was available for podcasters, vloggers, or anyone else who needed a quiet space to record.


New to VMworld this year was the introduction to our VMware {code} program. We featured some great speakers on our second stage for {code} Power Sessions. We had a “maker space” area featuring different hands-on projects led by a few VMware employees who are experts in their area. Many who stopped by and took these workshops learned a lot and really enjoyed their time.

Our last new offering this year was our VMware {code} coin, which is a web-based app where users could complete different tasks, earn coins, and spend the coins in our {code} shop. This gamification proved very popular during the week, with users coming back and asking for more tasks, and how to get more coins to buy {code} t-shirts, Bluetooth speakers, a Nintendo NES, and more!


Outside of the booth activity, we hosted two events for the vCommunity. Monday night, we started the week off with our Hackathon. This year’s Hackathon was highest in attendance thus far and seemed to be lots of fun for the participants, as well as the spectators. Congratulations to all of the winners of the Hackathon!

Tuesday night was another special night. For those new and returning vExperts, we hosted their exclusive party at the Pinball Hall of Fame, where we also had a vBBQ going on. This event was so great that even CEO, Pat Gelsinger, stopped by!


If you were unable to attend VMworld 2018 US, hopefully you were at least able to partake in the virtual offerings we provided. Maybe we’ll even see you in Barcelona in November, or at VMworld US next year in San Francisco.