
vExpert Spotlight: Mike Preston

MpName: Mike Preston
Blog URL: http://blog.mwpreston.net
Twitter handle: @mwpreston
Current employer: HPEDSB

How did you get into IT?

I became amazed and totaly consumed with computers and IT from the time I was around 8 or 9 when I underwent the major task of cataloguing my massive collection of hockey/baseball cards into WATFILE.  That facination stayed with me through highschool and eventually led me to take the Programmer Analyst program specializing in Java development throughout College.  After that I took a job with a company specializing in Linux based firewalls, mail servers, file servers, etc and realized that I truly had more of passion for system design and administration than programming, which eventually led me to my current position as a Systems Analyst where I'm actively involved in many system wide initiatives and integrations supporting all of our students and staff.
How did you get into working with VMware and becoming a 2012 vExpert?

Coming from a Linux background our deployments of ESX 3.x was a natural fit for myself.  Ever since I seen that first vMotion between two hosts I was hooked.  From there I started participating within the VMTN community and attending my local VMUGs in Toronto.  Eventually I landed myself a beta spot on vCenter Operations. From there I ended up at VMworld 2011, started a blog, and really took my participation in the community to the next level utilizing twitter and speaking at VMUGs.  Now I seem to be all consumed with VMware, its' products, and the massive ecosystem that has formed around it.

What would you tell someone who wanted to get a job like yours to do?
If you are passionate about what you do opportunities will come.  I can't stress the importance of participating in the communities, get active on Twitter and start a blog and share what you know.  Start building your brand and good things will happen.