
VMworld, View Open Client, etc – #34 Communities Podcast

It was an open topic week, and as usual, we covered a lot of ground. At this point, many of us are hanging out on Twitter and talking during the week, so getting together to record the podcast is a lot of fun. I highly recommend stopping by the live podcast and chat for the full experience.

As much as we're having fun, I think this week we packed a full day's seminar into an hour. If you are a VMware admin and the links below look interesting, give us a listen. Use the widget to the right, the mp3, or iTunes.

Links you can use, as expertly compiled by VMware's own Duncan Epping from Yellow Bricks. Thanks, Duncan!

VMworld Europe is being held in Cannes, February 24-26.

vExperts vs vIdiots

VMware View Open Client

VMware Infrastructure Management Assistant

VMware RSS feeds, email subscriptions and the compatibility guide

VMotion compatability

Restoring VMFS volumes when VCB/Windows did an automount

FC storage attached during upgrade/installation?

Eric Siebert's book and rough cuts preview

Run ESX within Workstation or Player

SRM Failback

VMware client side hypervisor – we announced our vClient initiative at
VMworld 2008. If you weren't there, you can get the details from these

NFL runs on VMware