
Exchange, new Security podcast, and more … Roundtable podcast #31

We had some technical difficulties with our podcast provier this week, so we held a short roundtable session. By the time we got on the air, I'd let our guests go for the day, but one, Jon Dybik, did stick around, so we got to talk about virtualizating Microsoft Exchange for a bit anyway.

Still, we did decide to reschedule for next week. #32 Roundtable will be next week, Jan 21, at noon PST, and the topic will be, once again, Virtualizing Exchange (and Domino and BlackBerry).  More info here. For this week, listen via the widget on your right or the mp3.  Links for our short podcast this week:

Microsoft virtualization licensing

Edward Haletky's Virtualization Security Round Table Podcast – go NOW (Thursday @ 11:00 am PST / 2:30 pm EST)

Virtualizing Exchange