
VMotioning your Service Console?! » Yellow Bricks

Re our post yesterday on ESXi, Duncan dives deeper into one of the tools that VMware is creating so that you don’t have to pop the hood — VMware Infrastructure Management Assistant (VIMA).

Link: VMotioning your Service Console?! » Yellow Bricks.

Some of you might have looked into VIMA
already. Those of you that didn’t please check it out because I expect
this to be the way that VMware is heading. Note, I don’t know if it
really is the way VMware is heading, but a Service Console
with VMotion capabilities sounds like a winner to me. A little birdie
also just told me that APC, the UPS Company, is finishing their VIMA
Compatible UPS software agent!

The cool thing about VIMA is that it includes the RCLI commands, the
Perl toolkit and a logger daemon named vilogd. The last one will be the
topic for this blog. So what does this logger daemon include? The vilogd daemon collects all the logs that are available through the DiagnosticManager VI API: