
Blogging at VMworld?

If you’re a blogger and you’re at VMworld this week (still time to register, by the way), please drop by the Communities Lounge in the Solutions Exchange and say hi. I’ll also be interviewing conference attendees at my VMworld Live! podcasting table there, so if you want to vTalk about all the vAnnouncements and give your vTwoCents, please take a seat!

If you’re interested in liveblogging the keynotes, access to power/Ethernet to blog during the show, or using our video room to do interviews and you haven’t heard from me — no worries, just drop me an email at [email protected] or Twitter @jtroyer or my mobile +1 510 520 7832.

What happens in Vegas gets published on the VMTN Blog, so watch out!

Check out blog posts from the blogging community here: Planet V12n
Check out Tweets from everybody in Vegas here: Twitter @ VMworld 2008