Strategy vSpeaking Podcast

vSpeaking Podcast Episode 108: Top 10 VMware Tools

We’ve all heard the quote “If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.” Fortunately for VMware admins, the lack of tools is not an issue.  As a matter of fact, there are so many tools to simplify day to day operations, that it’s hard to keep track.  This sounded like a perfect discussion for the Virtually Speaking Podcast, so we polled the vCommunity to see what tools VMware admins are using these days.  I was pretty surprised at how many different tools are out there. There isn’t enough time on the podcast to cover them all, so we invited Duncan Epping and William Lam to help us walk through the top 10 and we will leave a list of the honorable mentions below. Enjoy!

Episode Timeline

3:33 #10 HCI Bench VMware Fling

6:49 VMware Flings

8:37 #9 vCenter Converter

10:48 #8 Onyx VMware Fling  – Code Capture

12:13 #7 6.5 REST API and API Explorer

15:34 #6 AsBuilt Report by Tim Carman

18:48 #5 Cross vCenter Workload Migration Utility by William Lam

22:39 #4 ESXTOP

26:50 #3 vCheck by Alan Renouf

30:28 #2 PowerCLI

33:00 #1 RVTools by Rob De Veij

39:10 AsBuilt Reports with Tim Carman and Matt Alford

Honorable Mentions

  • IOInsight – VMware Fling
  • Log Insight
  • vROps
  • VMware Skyline
  • Veeam Back & Replication (full suite free for 10 instances)
  • vDocumentation (Ariel and Edgar Sanchez)
  • Postman
  • WinSSHterm
  • Linux VSM
  • Onyx
  • Git
  • mRemoteNG
  • pgAdmin
  • VMware OS Optimization Tool
  • VMware vRealize Orchestrator
  • Sexigraf
  • PoCLI
  • VMware health Analyzer
  • VMware Capacity Planner
  • Govc
  • A keyboard (thanks Ken Nalbone)
  • Bottle opener (thanks Nick Scuola)
  • C# Client (thanks Anthony Poh)

Is there a tool missing that you use? let us know.

The Virtually Speaking Podcast

The Virtually Speaking Podcast is a weekly technical podcast dedicated to discussing VMware topics related to storage and availability. Each week Pete Flecha and John Nicholson bring in various subject matter experts from VMware and within the industry to discuss their respective areas of expertise. If you’re new to the Virtually Speaking Podcast check out all episodes on and follow on twitter @VirtSpeaking.