vSAN Site Recovery Manager

vSAN Availability Blog Series

60 Minutes is Not Enough

Availability was a very popular topic at VMworld 2016 U.S. The conference featured many breakout sessions covering VMware storage and availability solutions including vSAN, Site Recovery Manager, and Virtual Volumes. One of these sessions, STO8179 – Understanding the Availability Features of vSAN, was delivered by GS Khalsa and I. Most of the VMworld sessions are available for playback online, but I thought it made sense to create a blog series on this topic considering the popularity of the session. A finite amount of content can be delivered within the 60-minute time frame of a VMworld breakout session. A blog article series enables another way to consume the information and it allows for the addition of supplemental content. With that in mind, I have started a series on my blog site that covers vSAN availability in more depth than what we could accomplish in 60 minutes.

Blog Series Topics

Discussions include a quick look at vSAN high-level architecture, how data is stored, and redundancy methods used to protect against disk and host failure. The next article will discuss what happens when network connectivity is lost between hosts. We will look at vSAN fault domains and cover the differences in maintenance mode options. To address the  challenge of site failure, conversations around vSAN stretched clusters, data protection, and disaster recovery will also be included.

There are multiple articles, two of which have been completed up to this point (Monday 9/12/2016). Click here to start with vSAN Availability Part 1.
