Virtual SAN Stretched Cluster and Health Check Plugin Guides

One of the key new features of Virtual SAN 6.1 is the ability to provide stretched clustering.  Virtual SAN Stretched Cluster is a specific configuration implemented in environments where disaster and downtime avoidance is a key requirement.

Cormac Hogan has provided an excellent document in the form of a design guide for stretched clustering, in order to provide additional insight and information for installation, configuration and operation of a VSAN stretched cluster infrastructure.

If you are looking at 2-node implementations of Virtual SAN this can also be considered mandatory reading as much of the configuration will be similar!

Likewise Cormac has given us a document examining the Virtual SAN Health Check Plugin, covering installation and usage end-to-end for VSAN 6.1.  In order to keep your Virtual SAN cluster running in top shape you’ll want to read this guide.

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