3d apple

VMware Fusion, Mac OS X 10.5.8 and ATI Graphics Controllers: So Happy Together

Apple just released the Mac OS X 10.5.8 Update and we want to let all our customers know that VMware Fusion 2 works great with Mac OS X 10.5.8, including 3D graphics on ATI systems.

We’ve been testing VMware Fusion 2 with the pre-release seeds of 10.5.8, and we’re happy to recommend that VMware Fusion customers upgrade to Mac OS X 10.5.8.

ATI Graphics Controllers Work with VMware Fusion 2 and Mac OS X 10.5.8

Apple and ATI worked hard to make sure the Mac OS X 10.5.8 update includes updated 3D drivers that resolve the core compatibility issues we previously reported. VMware Fusion 2 and ATI graphics controllers work together once again in Mac OS X 10.5.8.

To protect your virtual machines, VMware Fusion 2.0.5 temporarily disabled 3D for ATI systems using the older drivers (which came with 10.5.7, as well as the early 2009 ATI Mac Pros running 10.5.6).

As soon as you upgrade to Mac OS X 10.5.8, VMware Fusion 2.0.5 will automatically detect the new ATI drivers, and it will no longer disable 3D. You don’t need to make any changes (unless you manually turned off 3D in your virtual machine’s settings—in which case you should turn 3D on again in your virtual machine’s settings).

Thanks to Apple and ATI

We can’t thank Apple and ATI enough for all their hard work in addressing this issue in Mac OS X 10.5.8.