Hot off the heels of macOS 11 Big Sur’s public release, today we’ve shipped an update to Fusion which addresses some compatibility issues, bring performance improvements, and even introduces some new features.
For starters, we’ve enabled Nested / VT-X support for Macs that don’t have ‘VMCS Shadowing’ hardware features. Users can once again deploy ESXi or Windows with VBS or Hyper-V (WSL) enabled, as well as other nested Hypervisors like VMware Workstation for Linux.

We’ve also brought support for Windows 10 20H2, Ubuntu 20.10, RHEL 8.3 and Fedora 33
There’s a new feature: Fusion health check
– When Fusion is running on macOS 10.15, the ‘Pipe Broken’ / ‘cannot connect to /dev/vmmon’ issue can be easily fixed with a click.
We’ve also included the docker-machine-driver-vmware directly, so users no longer need to install it separately to get things like Minikube up and running. Just install Minikube as you normally would (‘brew install minikube’) and start it with ‘minikube start –vm-driver=vmware‘ (this can also be set as a global variable with ‘minikube config set driver vmware‘
And last but not least, we’ve updated ‘vctl kind’ to now support KIND version 0.9.0
Thanks for all the feedback leading up to this release!
We hope you enjoy!