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VMware Fusion Technology Preview May 2014

Today the VMware Fusion team is providing public access to the VMware Fusion Technology Preview. We would like to get feedback from individuals using a wide range of hardware and software configurations.

The VMware Fusion Technology Preview includes:

  • VMware Hardware Version 11, including improved CPU support and upgraded USB 3.0 controller
  • New icons in the library show state of VMs
  • Ability to configure per-VM hotkeys
  • Support for configuring the amount of graphics memory for each VM
  • Updated support for multi-monitor setups where one monitor is a Retina-class display

Additional details, including a list of what’s new, and the VMware Fusion Technology Preview May 2014 download are available HERE from the VMware Fusion Community.

Please post all of your feedback in the VMware Fusion Preview 2014 Community forum.  Our Developers, Quality Assurance Engineers, Support Teams, Technical Writers, Product Marketing Managers, and Product Managers will be monitoring the forum to ensure that we collect your suggestions and comments.

Many thanks for helping us to improve VMware Fusion.

The VMware Fusion Team