
Free Fusion T-Shirts, MacBook Air, and More: My Switch to VMware Fusion" Video and Blogging Contest

The VMware Fusion Team is proud to announce the launch of our "My Switch to VMware Fusion" video and blogging contest.

As part of our ongoing efforts inviting users to switch to VMware Fusion for fast, stable, and powerful "Windows on the Mac," and to better spread the word, we’re asking for the help of one of our most valuable assets: our awesome users.

The contest is simple: if you’ve switched to VMware Fusion from some other way to run Windows on Mac, whether Boot Camp, Virtual PC for Mac, Parallels, or whatever, all you have to do is tell your story on the web, and let us know about it. Pretty easy, eh?

There are two ways to participate:

1. Video: For you aspiring filmmakers, make a video that’s under a minute showing what you use VMware Fusion for, what you were using before, and why you made the switch.  When you’re done, post it up on YouTube, and submit the video to us on the contest page
To help you on your way, rough guidelines are provided on the contest page with tools, editing tips, and so on to make it easier for you–but this doesn’t have to be high art.  Videos made with iMovie, your iSight camera, and some screencasting software are just as welcome as those made with crazy HD camcorders and Final Cut Pro!

The great thing is, every single video submitter will get their very own "VMware Fusion team t-shirt" like we wore at Macworld, and a "My Mac Hearts VMware" bumper sticker.  And one lucky submitter will win a fully tricked out MacBook Air complete with VMware Fusion and a copy of Windows, for their trouble.  Yes, that’s right.  I don’t get a MacBook Air, but you just might… ; )

2. Blog It: If video isn’t so much your thing, that’s ok, we still want you to be able to share your "Switch to Fusion" story.  All you have to do is blog about it, and you can still get in on the action. 

Each and every person who blogs their "Switch to VMware Fusion" will be sent a "My Mac Hearts VMware" bumper sticker, and one lucky blogger will win an iPod Touch.

As entries come in, we’ll be blogging them right here on the Team Fusion blog.

Let’s Get Started!

It’s that easy. The contest runs through May 15th, 2008, and we’ll announce winners come June.  We invite everyone who has switched to VMware Fusion to tell their story, to help others understand how fast, powerful, and stable Windows on the Mac can truly be.

We encourage you to check it out today, and tell your "Switch to Fusion" story.

A Side Note: Why This? Why Now?

VMware Fusion has been on the market for a little more than half a year now.  In that time, it’s gotten better and better, winning awards along the way, and gaining mindshare among the Mac community.

And this entire time, our users have been sharing their experience, about why they’ve switched to VMware Fusion, and what VMware Fusion helps them do.

From tech pundits like Robert Scoble and Chris Pirillo, to Mac gurus like the editorial staff of The Unofficial Apple Weblog, the consensus is growing: VMware Fusion is a fast, powerful, and hassle-free way to run Windows on the Mac.

But it’s not just the pundits. Thousands upon thousands of VMware Fusion users have switched to Fusion, and they are sharing their experience everywhere.  From Twittering about their switch, to their own blogs, and more, the success that they’re having is being documented, and bubbling to the surface. Product reviews too, talking about switching to VMware Fusion from other "Windows on Mac" solutions.

And while we’d like to think we do a pretty good job of clearly, openly, and honestly articulating the value of VMware Fusion to potential users, there’s nothing like good old fashioned word of mouth recommendations, with a Web 2.0 twist.

The goal of this contest is to take what’s already been happening–people posting 5-star reviews on Amazon and Apple.com, Twittering about why their switching to Fusion, and so on–and to give more of our users a megaphone, and a reason to shout about it. 

This is also why we wanted to make sure that in addition to big prizes that everyone has a chance to win, that every single person who puts time into making a video or writing a blog post gets something out of it, whether a t-shirt, a bumper sticker, or being linked to from our blog.  We’d like everyone to speak up.

We’re truly looking forward to seeing the awesome stuff people have to share.  Thanks for your continued support!

~Pete Kazanjy

VMware Fusion Product Marketing

Photo Citation: Thomas Hawk Photography