fusion fusiondemos importer parallels pc virtual vpc

Fusion Movie Night: VMware Importer Demo Video

The Fusion team does its best to make Fusion, and everything that touches it, as user-friendly, and Mac-like as possible.  That means, in part, user interfaces and software that are self-explanatory, and "just work."

Of course, try as we might, documentation is always good to have.  And written documentation is great for going back to and poring over.  But, then again, video is great for making things really obvious in a hurry.

So, in the pursuit of making even documentation "just work" we’re going to be making it a habit to do screen casts of key features and utilities, going forward.  With a rocking backing soundtrack, of course.

Our first effort concerns VMware Importer, VMware’s free utility for importing Parallels and Virtual PC virtual machines to run with VMware Fusion.   We have release notes, of course.  But we also made a video to show just how easy importing a Parallels or Virtual PC virtual machine is. 

Just another step towards making Fusion the easiest way to run Windows on Mac.
