Multi-Cloud Security Modern Apps Security Network Security

Multi-Cloud Networking and Security Makes a Splash at VMware Explore 2022

The cloud has taken over the way enterprises do everything, from data storage to application development. While this multi-cloud environment has created exponential avenues for business growth and efficiency, it has also expanded the threat landscape. Enterprises deal with credential issues, lateral movement, lack of visibility, ransomware, and so much more. 

These challenges demand new approaches to networking and security so businesses can scale efficiently in a distributed architecture, as well as providing improved visibility and security within those spaces. This was the focus of VMware Senior Vice President of NSBU, Tom Gillis’ keynote at our premier event, VMware Explore 2022.  

He lays out the challenges of private cloud, including the inefficiencies associated with launching workloads. The private cloud currently requires tickets and processes to stand up new workloads that take time away from other more valuable processes. Tom Gillis puts forward a vision of private cloud that is just as efficient and secure as the public cloud. Anything that is needed is available at the push of a button with zero tickets. 

Tom focused on embracing the strengths of the cloud operating model under VMware, particularly workload deployment with zero proprietary appliances, zero tickets, and zero security taps in the network all governed by zero trust principles baked into the infrastructure. 

Demonstrating these strengths, VMware’s Global Security Technologist, Chad Skipper and Sr. Director/Lead Technologist, Roberto Mari dive into the capabilities of NSX, from load balancing to in-depth threat intelligence. 

After running through several demonstrations and use-cases, Tom summarizes the ultimate vision of the cloud operating model: 

The Cloud Operating Model = Better Networking and Security 

  1. Strong Protection for inner workings of modern and traditional apps
  2. Seamless secure connectivity and resiliency across clouds
  3. Bring efficiency of public cloud to your private cloud

“These tool sets exist. The hard part is, how do we drive organizational change? How do we get people to embrace the cloud operating model? As we go on this journey to a multi-cloud world, that is the time for us to say ‘we’re gonna make our private cloud be as efficient and agile and nimble as the public cloud,” he concludes. 

If you missed this or other sessions at VMware Explore 2022, all recordings are available in the video library.