
Women in Security Part 6: Meet Nandini De, Director of Engineering

This post is part of our Women’s History Month series – follow along with us on Twitter @VMwareCarbonBlack  

To conclude Women’s History Month,  we are thrilled to bring you the last spotlight of our Women in Security series. It’s been an honor to highlight the outstanding women in the VMware Security Business Unit team as well as our customers who are making an impact on the security industry, mentoring others in the field, and helping to keep the world safe from cyberattacks.


Meet Nandini De, Director of Engineering in the VMware Security Business Unit in India. She has more than two decades of experience in product engineering and management, specializing in data protection and security of modern workloads, virtualized data centres, e-discovery for large-scale enterprises, and multilingual computing and broadcast technologies. Nandini has a passion for creating world-class products and solutions and leading multifunctional teams.

Tell us about yourself and your role at VMware?
My journey and interest in computers and software started in the early 1980s when I was a teenager. I’ve always loved playing with computers. I’ve been in the software industry for more than two decades now, and most recently I’ve had a strong focus on data, modern workloads, and security protection as a director at VMware.

How did you land a career in security and what led you to VMware (SBU)?
I just joined the team about two months ago. The evolution of the security industry has been interesting to watch and the advent of the internet means that even children have devices and need to be protected. I learned about the job opportunity from a friend and heard good things about VMware’s leadership and culture. I work alongside a few other senior technical women on my team and I am learning a ton of new information daily.

We know there are no typical days in security, but can you tell us about what a day entails in the VMware Security business unit for you?
The landscape is always changing and I enjoy being in the security solutions business because it’s important to ensure our software has the right checks and balances. I enjoy providing that type of quality assurance for our customers. I’m also interested in learning more about the evolving threat landscape and the ways we can protect our customers so I’m constantly asking questions and learning from my teammates.

Who is your role model in tech or security?
I really admire Grace Hopper, the American computer scientist. She pioneered high-level languages that have inspired innovation around the world and her legacy continues. I lead the local chapter for, mentoring women in the STEM industry in Pune, India. I attended my first event 10-12 years ago and saw so many great women come together. I left feeling inspired and knew I wanted to be a part of it. I started our local chapter alongside two other women in the field. Together, we mentor and network with leaders in the industry and host quarterly events with technologists.

What excites you most about security and the future of security at VMware?
VMware is perfectly positioned in the industry with our intrinsic security approach. I’m excited to work closely with the Octarine team after their acquisition by VMware last year because I think the need for container security will continue to increase.

In honor of Women’s History Month, what advice do you have for women looking to get into the security industry?
Security is an industry that will never age.  I think there will always be a need to provide proactive approaches to remediate the threat landscape, which means there are never-ending possibilities to learn and grow in the field. I’d encourage women to take trainings and education courses in the security space to get a strong foundational understanding of topics like data analysis and machine learning. It’s also important to network and share learnings and advice with other women in the field – we can all help each other and increase diversity in the industry by giving back to the community.

Stay tuned for more Q&As throughout Women’s History Month, and be sure to follow the #WomensHistoryMonth and #ChooseToChallenge conversations on Twitter: @vmw_carbonblack.

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