
Tune in for Cybersecurity Insights Virtual Event: Security as a Team Sport

Cybersecurity Insights: Security as a Team Sport


We are officially less than two weeks away from Cybersecurity Insights! The event, of course virtual, is scheduled for May 12th, 9-10 AM PST. It will be hosted by VMware COO, Sanjay Poonen, and he will be joined by security experts from Netflix DVD, Comcast, Circle K, and Forrester to discuss why it is paramount for organizations to implement security as an intrinsic component of their environment. Additionally, we’ll unveil results from a cybersecurity study based on responses from over 1,400 IT/Security professionals. The research was conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of VMware and delves into the collaboration challenges that exist between IT and Security. 

In case the information above doesn’t sound enticing enough below are three additional reasons why you should tune in for this special event! 


Security experts, whose titles range from CISOs and VPs, will provide commentary on how COVID-19 has impacted their respective organizations and explain why business continuity requires a strong security posture. Furthermore, Sanjay Poonen will share how VMware is enabling customers to drive business continuity and maintain a spirit of innovation during these uncertain times. 


As the theme suggests, discussions will dive into why having a unified IT and security strategy lays the foundation for success and why security is moving to a shared responsibility model. Additionally, the Forrester research results that will be shared during the event is based on a substantial number of responses that topple over 1,400! Survey respondents were represented across IT and Security groups and roles ranged from managers and directors to CIOs and CISOs. And as the theme suggests, 

Below are some key findings based on the results: 

  • The #1 goal for both IT and Security is increased collaboration, but 81% report negative relationships between counterparts in IT and Security
  • Only 34% of organizations have mostly/completely integrated security tools 
  • 64% of Security teams and 53% of IT teams are understaffed  

Great Teaser to Connect 2020

 Cybersecurity Insights will be a useful segue into Connect 2020, VMware Carbon Black’s virtual cybersecurity conference that will occur on the subsequent days, May 13-14. The agenda has something for everyone, including a Developer Day for technical users, hands-on threat hunting workshops, and a chance to become product certified. There will be opportunities to hear from the experts, explore our sponsor hub, and participate in a series of trainings on the most effective ways to combat the latest threats. Topics will include (but not limited to): 

  • Eliminating Blind Spots with a Purpose-built Data Center Firewall  
  • Detecting Risky Misconfigurations Across Public Clouds  
  • Intrinsic Security & the Future of the VMware Carbon Black Cloud  
  • Detecting Lateral Movement with CBAPI and Python  

We hope to see you there virtually! 

Save the Date for Cybersecurity Insights

Register for Connect 2020