
6 Tips to Keep Your Video Conferencing Meetings Secure

The sudden and dramatic shift to a mobile workforce has thrust video conferencing into the global spotlight and evolved video conferencing vendors from enterprise communication tools to critical infrastructure.

During any major (and rapid) technology adoption, cyberattackers habitually follow the masses in hopes of launching an attack that could lead to a pay day or give them a competitive advantage. This has not been lost on global organizations’ security and IT teams, who are quickly working to make sure their employees’ privacy and data remains secure.

Here are some high-level tips to help keep video conferencing secure.

Update the Application

Video conferencing providers are regularly deploying software updates to ensure that security holes are mitigated.  Take advantage of their diligence and update the app prior to using it every time.

Lock meetings down and set a strong password

Make sure that only invited attendees can join a meeting. Using full sentences with special characters included, rather than just words or numbers, can be helpful. Make sure you are not sharing the password widely, especially in public places and never on social media. Waiting room features are critical for privacy as the meeting host can serve as a final triage to make sure only invited participants are attending. Within the meeting, the host can restrict sharing privileges, leading to smoother meetings and ensuring that uninvited guests are not nefariously sharing materials. 

Discussing sensitive information

If sensitive material must be discussed, ensure that the meeting name does not suggest it is a top-secret meeting, which would make it a more attractive target for potential eavesdroppers.  Using code words to depict business topics is recommended during the cyber crime wave we are experiencing.

Restrict the sharing of sensitive files to approved file-share technologies, not as part of the meeting itself

Using an employee sharing site that only employees have access to (and has multi-factor authentication in place) is a great way to make sure sensitive files touch the right eyes only.  This should be mandated as this is a huge Achilles heel.

Use a VPN to protect network traffic while using the platform 

With so many employees working remotely, using a virtual private network (VPN) can help better secure internet connections and keep private information private via encryption. Public WiFi can be a gamble as it only takes one malicious actor to cause damage.  Do not use public WiFi, especially in airports or train stations.  Cyber criminals lurk in those locations.

If you can, utilize two networks on your home WiFi router, one for business and the other for personal use.

Make sure that your work computer is only connected to a unique network in your home. All other personal devices – including your family’s – should not be using the same network. The networks and routers in your home should be updated regularly and, again, should use a complex password. Additionally, you should be the only system administrator on your network and all devices that connect to it.

All of us have a role to play in mitigating the cyber crime wave.  Please remember these best practices the next time you connect. Stay safe online.