Endpoint Security

Threat Analysis Unit (TAU) Threat Intelligence Notification: SNAKE Ransomware

A new enterprise targeting ransomware named ‘SNAKE’ was recently discovered. Similar to the other variants of ransomware, it will stop numerous processes or services such as antivirus software and perform the deletion of volume shadow copies to ensure all the data cannot be restored easily. After it performs file encryption, it will drop a ransom note named “Fix-Your-Files.txt” and append five randomly generated characters behind the original file extension of the encrypted file.


Figure 1: Screenshot of the ransom note


Figure 2: Screenshot of the list of encrypted files by SNAKE and dropped ransom note.

Other than that, it will also append a hexadecimal file marker “EKANS” which is the reverse order of “SNAKE” at the end of the encrypted file.


Figure 3: File marker “EKANS” at the end of the encrypted file.

This post serves to inform our customers about detection and protection capabilities within the Carbon Black suite of products against SNAKE Ransomware.

Behavioral Summary

SNAKE Ransomware is blocked and detected by existing policies within Carbon Black products. To learn more about further ransomware behavior, detection and protection capabilities within the Carbon Black suite of products against SNAKE ransomware, you may refer to the following blog post: TAU-TIN – Ransomware Threats

In addition, CB Defense will display the malware’s overall triggered TTPs.




TID Tactics Technique
T1045 Defense Evasion Software Packing
T1083 Discovery File and Directory Discovery
T1057 Discovery Process Discovery
T1060 Persistence Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder
T1497 Defense Evasion, Discovery Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion
T1119 Collection Automated Collection
T1081 Credential Access Credentials in Files
T1005 Collection Data from Local System
T1486 Impact Data Encrypted for Impact
T1089 Defense Evasion Disabling Security Tools
T1489 Impact Service Stop
T1067 Persistence Bootkit

Indicators of Compromise (IOCs)

Indicator Type Context
e5262db186c97bbe533f0a674b08ecdafa3798ea7bc17c705df526419c168b60 SHA256 SNAKE Ransomware
3d1cc4ef33bad0e39c757fce317ef82a MD5 SNAKE Ransomware