
Share your Ideas about VMware Certification

Many of you are already aware of the wealth of knowledge and resources available to you on the VMTN discussion boards for VMware Certification. This community is very active and always willing to help others on their journey to certification, so if you’re not a member we highly recommend checking it out.

The VMTN Community team has recently added a new feature: Ideas. The Ideas tab is a place to capture suggestions from the community about ways to improve the program. Whether it’s a request for more study materials, suggestions on exams, or ideas about how to expand the program, we want to hear from you.

Creating an idea is very similar to starting a discussion. From the Ideas tab…


…Select “Create an Idea”


Once your idea has been submitted, others in the community can vote it up or down and make comments on it.


The Certification Team will be reviewing ideas regularly and providing updates on the ones we can and can’t act on. So let us know what you’re thinking and share your ideas!