We’ve written before about how qualified Cisco certified candidates can use a CCNA, CCNP, or CCIE certification to meet part of the requirements for certification in our Network Virtualization certification track, specifically the VMware Certified Professional 6 – Network Virtualization (VCP6-NV) and VMware Certified Advanced Professional 6 – Network Virtualization Deployment (VCAP6-NV Deploy).
Once you’ve reviewed the requirements for the certification you’re interested in, follow these steps to submit proof of your Cisco certification.
- Visit the Cisco Certification Tracking System Tool.
- Select ‘Login with Cisco.com ID’ and use your Cisco Username/Password
- Once logged in, select ‘Publish Credentials’ towards the end of the page
- Email your Cisco credentials to yourself
Once you’ve received the credentials from Cisco, please email our certification support team with the following information:
- Your name and email address
- The URL and Authorization Code specific to this credential verification from Cisco
- Note: these authorizations expire, so make sure you do it before the date given
- Your VMW Candidate ID (if you know it).