
Course Option for Expired VCPs

For candidates who hold an expired VMware Certified Professional (VCP) certification, there is another course option available for earning a new VCP.VCP-merch-624x130

In addition to the option to take the same course as any new candidate, if you have an expired VCP certification, you now have a new option to take a What’s New class to meet the training requirement as well. The What’s New course is available for the DCV track: for example, for VCP6-DCV, you would take the vSphere: What’s New [V5.5 to V6] course.

You still need to pass both the vSphere 6 Foundations exam and the VCP elective exam in order to regain VCP status.

Please note, your expired VCP will not be reinstated. So, we strongly encourage you to recertify before your two-year term ends. To look up your recertification date, log into your VMware Certification Manager account.