
VCDX Defense Process Changes

VCDX merchWe are constantly talking to current and potential VMware Certified Design Experts (VCDXs) about ways to improve our processes in order to grow and strengthen the program. Out of those conversations, we have developed two process improvements that will go into effect immediately.

New Double VCDX Process

Over the past few months, we have been piloting a new approach for VCDXs submitting for a second, third, and (yet to be done by someone) fourth VCDX certification. After some trial and error, we have created a simple and fair process.

A VCDX has already proven they can design. They’ve proven they can present and defend against a rush of panel questions. They’ve already shown how they can think on their feet against a new scenario.

All they need to show is that they have the core competencies in the technology and design area in the solution track for which they are applying. To validate that competency, the process will be:

  • Submit your design.
  • A trio of panelists will review it to ensure it meets the same requirements as any other VCDX application.
  • Once approved, you will be scheduled for and attend a one-hour telephone conference call with three panelists.
    • On this call, you will present a short 5-10 minute presentation on your design, focusing on the core design elements related to the track you’re applying for.
    • The panelists will ask questions to determine your skill level and knowledge on that technology.
  • Once complete, the panelists will provide a score and you will receive your results.

This process will be implemented immediately, including for those who recently submitted applications.

The price for the call will be the same as an initial design review (US $300 – tentative to change).


Alternate Defense Option for Returning Candidates

In addition, we are also announcing a new opportunity for candidates who have attempted a defense, but did not pass. To help provide time and cost-savings for both the program and the candidate, if you failed your first defense, you now have the option of defending again remotely over video conference.

The defense process is the same – you will be held to the same standards and need to present, whiteboard, and answer questions just as if you were in-person – but it will be done remotely, and (as much as possible) with the same panel from your first attempt.

The remote defense will be held over a video conferencing application, such as WebEx, where the candidate and panelists will be able to see each other, the candidate can whiteboard for all to see, and the same conversations can take place, albeit over headphones.

You may also decide to defend again in-person if you prefer. All first-time candidates will still be required to defend in-person.


We hope these changes will remove the barriers some candidates have, and help us continue to grow and support the VCDX program.