
Are You Ready To Get The Most Out Of VMworld?

Since the sessions for VMware 2013 were announced, we’ve been highlighting a few favorites from our Professional Services Consultants and Service Architects each week. The planner will be launching soon, and with 350+ sessions this year, we imagine you’ll be carefully laying out your schedule in the coming weeks.

This week we recommend you check in with David Hill about building a hybrid cloud and Wade Holmes about software-defined storage. And don’t miss our earlier recommendations in the End-User Computing and Virtualization tracks.


How to Build a Hybrid Cloud in Less than a Day

With David Hill (VMware)

In this session you’ll hear how you can build a hybrid cloud in less than a day. We will look at the multiple technologies available today enabling the hybrid cloud and how you can use them to turn your current vSphere infrastructure into a hybrid. This helps businesses lower total cost of ownership and operational costs.

Attendees will leave the session with:

  • An understanding of how to deploy vCloud Connector in a vSphere infrastructure
  • Clarity on the potential pitfalls and mistakes real customers have made in the past
  • Knowledge of how to move workloads seamlessly between clouds


Software-Defined Storage: The VCDX Way

With Wade Holmes (VMware)

Storage is one of the key pillars within every datacenter. Leveraging software-defined storage is key to unleashing the full benefits of the software-defined data-center. But, as with any new technology, you must understand how software-defined storage fits into your current datacenter architecture.

VMware Certified Design Experts (VCDXs) utilize an architectural methodology that eases the adoption of new technology to meet your business needs. Join us to learn how to design, implement, and integrate software-defined storage solutions—the VCDX way.

At this session you’ll learn:

  • How the VCDX architectural methodology can assist you in adopting new technology into your data center
  • How leveraging software-defined storage can assist in meeting your business needs
  • Key features and capabilities of VMware’s software-defined storage offerings
